Saturday, December 18, 2010

You Have to Earn Your Vacation

The last week of school went incredibly slowly. I got a terrible cold and still had to make it through the “holiday performance”, which had only Christmas songs and some embarrassing NYC-style hip hop, to close the week. (It was on a Thursday, and we had the kids all day, after school, fed them dinner, and then sat with them during the show until 8 pm. Thank you, 14-hour work day!)

Friday night Kelly and I decided to have our Christmas Eve, while we still had “The North Pole”, as I now refer to our Christmas-style bedazzled apartment. We even got our hands on a copy of the Muppet Christmas Carol, a staple for Christmas-eves from my childhood.

Unfortunately, we both got a stomach bug, on top of the colds, and had an unpleasantly sick evening with the movie in the background. Luckily by fake Christmas morning we were better, if not cured, and were able to at least sip coffee while we opened our presents.

We left the next day for the Philippines. We arrived insanely early at the airport, but I was just so happy to be in an airport again that I could have stayed there all night. Beijing Capital International Airport is really a gorgeous piece of architecture, if I do say so myself. In our terminal the food options were a Japanese place, a Chinese restaurant, and one called, “STEAK, BEER, PASTA CAFÉ.” That was meant for us.

In Manila we stayed with some of Kelly’s Aunt’s family, who really treated us like family. They were so warm and welcoming. It was wonderful, on top of being in such a friendly place, to be staying with family near the holidays. Let the vacation begin!

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