Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eggplant Splinter

It’s exactly as it sounds. I got a splinter from an eggplant. What??
It was one of the many varieties of eggplant over here, which all basically taste the same but come in funny little shapes. Some are long tubes, and others round little balls. The cursed little guy that I had chosen was a rather large but almost perfectly spherical eggplant. I was holding it, trying to get a good grip so that I could slice it and not my hand. (I’m always really careful cutting here, because no one I know has the slightest idea what to do or where to go in an emergency.)

Anyway, so there I am in the kitchen trying literally to get a grip, and the thing stabs me. It struck me right in my fleshy thumb. It hurt worse because I hadn’t been expecting it. I screamed out, “The eggplant stabbed me!” which isn’t exactly untrue, and let both it and the knife drop from my hands.

If you work in elementary school and are a young adult, you may know the wonderful resource that is the school nurse. I owe so much of my health to the school nurses at my last two schools. Of course, my school doesn’t have a school nurse. (Don’t get me started on this…)

Kelly tried using tweezers, but the stubborn thing was buried way to deep. I don’t want to go into any more detail about the pain that is this embarrassment, but there were several more failed attempts throughout the week before we could finally get the buggar out.

Basically, I lived for seven days with an eggplant in my thumb. Thanks, China.


  1. The same thing has happened to me! How did you finally manage to get it out? I was hoping my body would eventually "eat" it since it's organic, but no, now it's just sore and red. :(

  2. I can't get mine out! How did you manage to get yours out?
