Monday, July 25, 2011

Strangest Things about America as a New Returnee

1. Everyone speaks English
2. There is English EVERYWHERE
3. Strangers are friendly and polite (especially in small town MA)
4. The food feels like bricks in your stomach
5. You can add cheese to almost any food
6. You don’t have to wait through Chinese for an English version of announcements
7. So few Asians!/So many blondes!
8. You can look up anything you want on the internet
9. You can find the names and addresses of new restaurants easily
10. Google maps in ENGLISH
11. People you know and love are all around or a phone call away
12. Facebook and Youtube…ANYTIME!
13. More coffee than tea
14. Tea = little bags served in giant mugs instead of pots with little cups
15. Clothes and Shoes in American sizes (I’m no longer a giant with clown feet)
16. If you’re lost you can ask directions to anyone
17. Using phrases like, “I was wondering if you know…” instead of pointing to something and raising/furrowing your eyebrows with bent elbows and palms faced up
18. Western toilets with toilet paper everywhere
19. Bathrooms in every restaurant
20. Hardly any spicy food

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