Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!

On New Year’s Eve we took full advantage of the Ocean Park, visiting the Aquarium, Jellies, Sea Lion Show, and Musical Fountain Light Show. I’d seen the fountain show at the Bellagio in Vegas, which I mistakenly used as a reference. To be fair, I should have known that I was in for a different kind of show when Kelly and I were the only people in the audience between the ages of 40 and 4, and the only couple present without a fetus. The water sprays, spurts of fire and fireworks were actually impressive, but I could have done without the breaks for rapping and dancing starfish, projections of Disney characters onto water sprays, and ballet-renditions of lion fish falling in love.

At night we watched the fireworks over the water from “Club H20”, the lounge/bar of the hotel. The wine was delicious (I’d forgotten what non-Greatwall wine tasted like!) and the night outside was a wonderfully starry sight. Me and Kelly recounted all that we could of 2010, thinking of “best __(new food/month/season/trip)___” and made resolutions for the new year. It’s hard to believe that just a year ago we were on Avenue D drinking someone’s Patron and thinking about moving to China.

Each part of our trip to the Philippines was exactly what I needed, from family to resort, to beach, to Jellyfish. I have to say though, I’m starting to seriously wonder if me and Kelly are the only people like us anywhere. (Or at least on this side of the world.) That’s not even just to say we’re the only lesbians, as I’m sure I’ve made that point before. But on this trip, we were the only mid-20’s girls traveling. In each of our four locations, we were mostly with families, even young families, with the occasional straight couple under 40. Many, many people asked us if we were sisters.

Unfortunately, the questions of me and Kelly being related is not new to us. In America I’ve been asked if we were cousins, and even told as a “compliment” that we “look so much like!” But sisters is a whole new level. Kelly said that it’s just their way to wrap their heads around two women traveling alone during the holidays. That I guess I can understand, not that I find it more settling.

I’m back and had my first day of work on January 4th! (We had a day and a half to settle back before going to work.) My kids were so much smaller than I remembered, and so darling. They actually got a positive report from a special! It’s a whole new year!

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